Kruskopf & Company 3M Retail Pop-Up Case Study

The full-service digital agency – Kruskopf & Company – approached nParallel to bring an ad campaign to life with a pop-up retail installation at Minneapolis – St. Paul (MSP) Airport. Kruskopf & Company selected our team because of our ability to execute efficiently and manage the unique logistics at the airport. 3M™ Privacy Filters, Kruskopf & Company’s client, wanted to build awareness of their products and encourage travelers to utilize a coupon code to purchase the products online.

Kruskopf & Company envisioned the space to attract and engage travelers as they made their way from security checkpoint to their terminal. During our “define” phase, our team collaborated with Kruskopf & Company to create the most engaging experience possible. We then designed an experience that intrigued flyers to learn about the products and engage with a unique selfie station. Our team fabricated a 10’ x 20’ installation that offered a striking backdrop, a custom raised flooring, two “lazy Susan” product podiums, an aircraft fuselage photo station with 3-D characters, and a monitor showing the campaign education videos.

We partnered with Clear Channel Airports, City of Bloomington Building Inspector, and Airport Commission to ensure the retail installation was clear for delivery and installation. Our detailed construction drawings and fire rating material lists were approved on the first submission, saving our clients four to eight weeks of time. Throughout the two-month retail installation timeframe at the airport our team provided on-call maintenance to the installation same day.

The products were not available for sale within the pop-up retail installation, so we needed another way to measure the success of this activation. We recommended using beacon technology to track the number of mobile phones that were within the space and received real time reports. We had over 2,500 people within the activation per month, each averaging 5 minutes of dwell time. Over 15% of the visitors came back in the space for a second time. And the window conversion was about 1.2% of people who walked by entered the installation. These metrics allowed the client to evaluate the success real-time and which prompted them to extend the activation for another month.

The Kruskopf & Company team was impressed with our ability to seamlessly handle all the details of this project within the quick time frame. The 3M team was thrilled with the metrics and received much praise internally. We enjoyed partnering with these two teams to bring their first airport campaign to life within MSP Airport.

To watch the time-lapse video of the installation click here.